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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.


SAM.gov Entity Registration and Renewal Reminder

All entities seeking Department of Justice (DOJ) grant funding must have an active registration in SAM.gov. Once registered, entities must complete annual renewals to maintain an active status.

It is recommended that you begin the SAM.gov registration or renewal process 30 days prior to any deadlines to allow for the time necessary to complete the full process, including SAM.gov’s entity validation process. If you intend to apply for a specific DOJ opportunity, refer to the Grants.gov due date provided on the notice of funding opportunity, and plan your SAM.gov registration accordingly.

For additional support, visit SAM.gov Help.

Important Update for DOJ Funding Recipients Impacted by Hurricanes Milton and Helene

Due to the impacts of Hurricanes Milton and Helene, funding recipients located within a designated disaster zone received a 90-day deadline extension on quarterly financial and regular performance reports that were originally due on October 30, 2024. The new deadline in JustGrants is January 30, 2025. 

Further flexibilities will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please reach out to your DOJ Grant Manager if you need additional assistance.


Funding Resource Center

Welcome to OJP's Funding Resource Center. Whether you're looking for a funding opportunity or need an overview of OJP's grant process, the Center provides you with access to the information you need.


Opportunities & Awards

This section of the Funding Resource Center provides access to: current funding opportunities from the OJP offices; past solicitations; OJP funding award data; and, legal overviews and notices.

Applicant Resources

This section of the Funding Resource Center captures helpful guidance information and resources for potential OJP funding applicants, including the OJP Grant Application Resource Guide, the Financial Guide, information about application requirements, and more.

Recipient Resources

This section of the Funding Resource Center provides access to post-award instructions, grantee training/technical assistance, information about whistleblower protections, and grant performance and reporting information.

Can't find the information you need?

Contact us:

Financial Questions?
For financial questions regarding your award, contact the Customer Service Center at 1-800-458-0786 (TTY: 202-616-3867), or via email.

Grant System Questions?
Contact JustGrants Support at 833-872-5175 or by email.  See the JustGrants User Support page for additional assistance.

Grants.gov Questions?
Contact the Grants.gov Support Center at 1-800-518-4726 (TTY:  301-240-6310), via email, or visit the Grants.gov website.

Stay Informed
Sign up(link is external) to be notified of new funding opportunities.